2023 Merton Best Business Sustainability Award winners: Whitespace Group

Since the company’s inception in 2002, Whitespace Group have been building a reputation in providing sustainable exhibition solutions to some of the world’s leading brands. They are the 2023 winner of the Sustainable Impact Award.

Q1. It has been six months since you were recognised at the 2023 Merton Best Business Awards. How has the past six months been for your business?

Winning the award has helped to further solidify our brand recognition within the local community and beyond. The accolade has helped to inspire by highlighting how our sustainability practices distinguish us from competitors.   The award has also reinforced trust and credibility among customers, adding to our growing list of industry awards.

By showcasing our continued commitment to sustainability, we’ve demonstrated that we prioritise ethical business practices and environmental stewardship.   Internally, our employee morale and pride in our company has been clearly visible. Our team members feel a sense of accomplishment and validation for their efforts in implementing sustainable initiatives. This recognition has also motivated employees to further engage in sustainability efforts and contribute innovative ideas.  

Overall, the award has had a positive impact on our overall performance as we continue to develop our social impact strategy. It has inspired us to continuously improve our sustainability practices and integrate them into every aspect of our business operations. As a result of these initiatives, we have seen increased efficiency, cost savings, and a stronger competitive edge in the market.  

Q2. What did being recognised in the Awards mean for you and your team personally?

We are honoured to have won the Sustainability Impact Award, recognising our commitment to environmental development and significant community investment.   Working with local charities and other businesses in the community of Merton is something that lies very close to our strategy and even while the business has grown to operate on a global scale, we continue to make sure we are fully embedded within our local community.  

Q3. What advice would you offer a business considering putting in an award entry this year?

Understand the requirements, criteria, and expectations of the entry. Clearly articulate your key points. Focus on originality and what sets your business apart. Ensure that your entry is well-written with attention to detail, clarity of expression, and professional presentation. Make your entry engaging and attractive, whether it’s through storytelling or media to make a lasting impression on the judges.  

Winning the Sustainability Impact Award has been a transformative experience for our business to be recognised within the local community where we have developed exponentially over the past two decades. For your business, it can help fuel growth, foster customer loyalty, enhance employee satisfaction, and drive innovation.